
Wednesday, 14 December 2011

A Very Merry CLIPPERS Christmas!


As we move towards the Christmas holiday period there will be slightly less frequent updates here for a little while - not no update, just not quite the as-regular-as-clock-work twice-a-week schedule that hopefully one or two have got used to. For those who want to keep up to date without the hassle of checking back here, a quick reminder that you can Subscribe By Email from any page and receive the latest updates automatically.

In terms of news, I'm now maintained on 15mg/day Prednisolone and two weeks into Azathioprine which has now moved up to 50mg twice a day. I feel pretty good and everything is pretty normal as far as I can tell. I've just started a weekly schedule of blood tests to monitor the Azathioprine effects on my blood count and liver and kidney function. I thought that was it for 2011 ...

... until yesterday, when as an unexpected early Christmas present I was told I have another day booked in next week at the Day Care Unit for MRI and a clinic assessment. I'd expected this fairly early in the New Year but they must have had a gap. It doesn't feel that long since I was last there but it  has been over two months since my last MRI. I'm grateful they are maintaining an active interest in my case and will report any developments here as usual.

Here's hoping for a less turbulent 2012.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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