
Monday, 2 January 2012

No news is good news ...

No news is good news over Christmas 2011 as things have been pretty stable.

Is this my Christmas box?
To recap, Prednisolone maintained at 15mg / day and Azathioprine on an increasing dose which before Christmas had just gone up to 75mg twice a day. Associated with the latter I have been going to my GP for weekly tests of blood count and liver and kidney function

How disappointing!
Last week I was contacted by my GP saying there had been a small anomaly with one of the liver function tests. Essentially an enzyme level was abnormally high (although not worryingly so) which could be a sign of Azathioprine toxicity. So I have been advised to roll back my Azathioprine dose and see what the next test throws up. At the moment this isn't overly worrying as the Azathioprine is my supplementary medication and currently the Prednisolone is what is keeping me well. Long-term though it is preferable that I can tolerate Azathioprine so that Prednisolone can be reduced. My liver may had been under a little seasonal strain in the last week or so but I've no idea if that could cause the raised enzyme levels.

That's more like it!
Finally, I'd like to thank Sanford Rhodes for his recent comments and hope that he is feeling better. As he is under the care of Dr Pittock, who probably knows more about CLIPPERS than anyone else in the world, he should be in good hands.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

Creative Commons Licence
Living With CLIPPERS by Bill Crum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.