
Monday, 16 January 2012

What treatments are being used for CLIPPERS?

Regular readers will know about my treatment regime for CLIPPERS discussed at length in previous posts (here and here and here) ? But how typical is my experience? I had a quick peer at the CLIPPERS papers to date to look for treatment patterns. What seems to be clear is that there is a generic strategy which usually involves:

  • high dose IV cortico-steroids, typically 1g/day of Prednisolone for 3-5 days
  • a maintenance or reducing dose of oral steroids, typically 80mg - 10mg daily
  • a transition to a "steroid sparing" agent, e.g. Azathioprine or Methotrexate

There are some variations on this theme. The papers don't give much information about the detail of the treatment strategy and I'm not a doctor so it's down to speculation. My best guess is that treatment follows a pattern which is known to work in most cases so far but there is some variation which can be put down to:

  • regional / national treatment practices
  • foibles of individual medics
  • tailoring treatment regimes to better suit individual patients
  • some experimentation with treatment to (hopefully) achieve better results

I can summarise the treatment of patients I have read about (17) to date as follows:

Phase 1: Initial Treatment
  • 15 had IV prednisolone for 5 (14) or 3 (1) days
  • 1 had oral prenisolone at 80mg / day
  • 1 had 12mg Dexamethasone weekly for 4 weeks

Phase 2: Maintenance Treatment (information is a bit more patchy here)
  • Most had oral Prednisolone beginning at between 60mg and 80mg and tapering to 30mg or less
  • One had 1g / month for 3 months.

Phase 3: Additional Treatment (information still a bit patchy)

So my experience of
  • 1g/day IV Prednisolone for 5 days
  • 60mg/day oral Prednisolone taper down to 15mg/day maintenance
  • increasing dose of Azathioprine currently at 50mg/twice-daily
is fairly typical of the above pattern and is working for me so far.

Remember, I'm not a doctor, so if in doubt assume I don't know what I'm talking about.

An update on my most recent scan and treatment will follow shortly.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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Living With CLIPPERS by Bill Crum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.