
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Slightly Cleaner Than Before

Keeping My Chin Up

Insured At Last  
Well I finally got some travel insurance via All Clear Options but it took a while for their back-office doctors to decide what to do with me. So for the purposes of insurance I now have Primary Cerebral Vasculitis. I spent about a week being investigated for various kinds of vasculitis last year so I guess it makes sense and Wikipedia says it can be confused with Multiple Sclerosis which I was also investigated for. They would only insure me for a single trip and the cost is about 10% of the holiday (well the holiday wasn't that expensive in the first place) which made me do a double-take. A friend who had some more recent completely different (but well known) health problems was quoted about two and a half times the amount I was for a trip which was much further and for longer so I guess it was proportionate. The good thing is I am able to insure my wife as a "Travelling Companion" which sounds a bit Victorian but means she can claim for problems caused by my CLIPPERS too (like cancellation costs etc). Anyway, that's enough about insurance.

Sex and Drugs and Rock'n'Roll (But Mostly Drugs)
Prednisolone is lower than it's been since I started taking it. I'm now well into single figures and moving to 8mg / day tomorrow. Now we find out if the Azathioprine is doing it's job and taking up the slack. If nothing else it's certainly making me paranoid about all the people who's one aim in life seems to be to cough all over me at the moment.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

Creative Commons Licence
Living With CLIPPERS by Bill Crum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.