
Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Aside: What Passes for Humour Round Here

Please note this is an aside that has nothing directly to do with CLIPPERS even though it relates to a CLIPPERS-monitoring visit to the NHNN. Normal CLIPPERS-related service will be resumed as soon as possible.

(while filling in form)

NURSE:  "Do you have any pets?"
BILL:      "Are you making this up?"
NURSE:  "No" (shows me the question on the form)
BILL:      "Next you'll be wanting to know what colour underwear I've got on!"
NURSE:  "Mr Crum, if I wanted to know that I would take you next door and ask you to change your trousers."

Serves me right for trying to be a smart-ass!

Not Funny! (and Not Advised!!)
Sending the following to my wife at the end of my Day-Care appointment.
They drilled a couple of holes for a look-see.
(The bandage was actually from my arm where the MRI contrast was injected and even though the train wasn't too busy, yes, I probably did get some funny looks.)
Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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