
Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Another Quick Update

Things have been quiet recently which is why there's not been an update for a little while. Anyone who spent June in the UK will know it's not just because I've been out enjoying the summer sun!

I definitely couldn't do this with double vision ... (Prometheus, IMAX 3D)
I've been pleased to hear from another "CLIPPER" by email this week - that makes at least four since I started writing this blog which shows that CLIPPERS does exist in the real world outside the research papers and is being diagnosed.

I've also been Prednisolone-free for three weeks (but still on Azathioprine). I haven't noticed any change in CLIPPERS symptoms (I don't have any to speak of at the moment thankfully) but have been getting some stiffness in my legs - hips and knees mostly. This doesn't feel neurological in the sense that it isn't like the "locking-up" or balance problems I had last year. It's more like you might feel after you'd run up a steep hill and most noticeable after I've sat down for a long time - could just be middle age creep. I did briefly Google this association with Azathioprine and found some similar (non-CLIPPERS patient) reports. But on the other hand it's the way of the interweb that you can usually find a report of anything you want - if I suddenly developed a wart (or a potato!) that looked like David Cameron I'm sure somebody somewhere will have reported a similar association with Azathioprine. I also found reports of people getting joint/muscle problems when (or even after) coming off Prednisolone although I was a on very slow taper so I don't know if it was that either. Anyway add to the list of things to ask the doc next time I see him, but I obviously don't want to make the mistake of confusing correlation with causation.

I'd also like to thank the slowly growing readership (especially the ones who come back for more!) - hopefully some of the stuff here is still either interesting or useful.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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