
Saturday, 18 August 2012

Complicating CLIPPERS

Case Study
Another interesting Case Study appeared last week in the journal Neurology. Unfortunately this paper isn't Open Access but the author, Dr Ortega, was kind enough to send me a copy. The paper describes a 61 year old woman who had a history of Multiple Sclerosis but then went on to develop CLIPPERS. The authors speculate that CLIPPERS was triggered following withdrawal of other MS medication.This is an interesting case but hopefully quite rare. Even so any more CLIPPERS clues are welcome and interactions with other disorders or medications are definitely worth hearing about..

CLIPPERS on the web
I stumbled across my brain on the web the other day - not something that happens every day. It was on the web site of  a private medical practice in the US specialising in dizziness and balance problems. My brain (scan) is on their page about auto-immune brain-disorders. Dr Hain says he's never seen a scan like it in 30 years of practice. I guess I'll take that as a compliment ...

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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