
Saturday, 2 March 2013


The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted a new page in the bar above. I've added a forum to the blog (courtesy of Nabble) so anyone can post questions, requests for advice, CLIPPERS wisdom or other related anecdotes. This is a bit of an experiment - by the slowly increasing number of CLIPPERS-related emails I get, I think there is a need for somewhere that broader discussion can happen. On the other hand, if the forum is empty in 12 months I'll know that's not the case!
I'll have to change the setup if it fills up with junk too quickly, but so far that hasn't been a problem. Apparently, I am in some kind of grace period where the forum is run without advertisements. When that expires, in three weeks or so, I'll review how intrusive the advertising is and see how to proceed. Any adverts that do appear should only be on the forum page and enable Nabble to maintain their free forum service.
I put an initial post in the forum to welcome everyone. At some point I will add some proper guidelines but for now I think it best to let this thing evolve (or not as the case may be). Having said that, one or two things should be remembered if you intend posting to the forum:
1. remember this is public - anybody can read this
2. think twice (or thrice) before posting email addresses or contact details
3. this forum can't be a substitute for expert medical opinion
Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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