
Saturday, 27 April 2013

The Tip of the Iceberg?

General Wolfe, originally from my neck of the woods.
 A paper reviewing the state of CLIPPERS was presented at the 2013 meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. It was called "CLIPPERS: Rare Disease or Tip of the Iceberg? A Case Report and Literature Review".

The abstract linked to above is actually much less revealing than is implied by the title. The main part of the paper seems to be another CLIPPERS case study (at least as much as I can deduce from the abstract). The patient in this case was a 70 year old woman who as usual did not find an alternative diagnosis and did respond to high-dose Prednisolone. Frustratingly, there is a lack of follow-up detail here as, apparently the patient had no further steroids and was OK at 8 weeks, but from the abstract we don't know if she remained well longer term.

The promised critical review of the literature concluded that "CLIPPERS syndrome may be more common than realized" which has been the conclusion of many of the more extensive published papers. So I conclude we will have to wait a while for a more definitive assessment of the prevalence of CLIPPERS.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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