
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

New On-Line CLIPPERS Resource

Recently I was contacted by Dave, who has a young daughter who has recently been diagnosed with CLIPPERS. He is keen to contribute to the CLIPPERS community and has set up a new web-site to relate his experience together with other information about CLIPPERS.  The website is: Please take a look if you have a minute - from my perspective it's great to be able to go and read someone else's blog (!) It's also important to have more than one voice broadcasting about CLIPPERS to raise some awareness. 

Coincidentally, I just added a new case to People With CLIPPERS where the symptoms also occurred at a very young age. From the evidence to date it seems that CLIPPERS can strike at virtually any age, although it is fortunately less common (or at least less commonly diagnosed) in the young.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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