
Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Another Year

I take no credit for this - my wife's creation.
Just a quick note to wish everyone a peaceful and happy end to 2014.  My own Christmas break started off with an invoice from my local health centre. They had received a request for my medical records from the Mayo Clinic as I had signed up for the Mayo research study. It hadn't occurred to me there would be a charge for this - after all it is making a contribution to medical research. Anyway, although £24 won't bankrupt me, it wasn't quite the Christmas card I was expecting when I opened the letter!
I will be back in 2015 to pass on anything I can find out about CLIPPERS. If anyone has any news to share please contact me or post in the forum.
Best Wishes
Probable CLIPPERS since 2011.

P.S. After writing this post, I received very nice emails from Jessica Sagen and Dr Tobin at the Mayo, telling me that costs incurred providing records for their research will be covered from their research budget. So thanks very much to them for that.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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