
Saturday, 14 March 2020

Did something happen?

It's a thumbs up from me
It's been longer than I thought since I last wrote something here. This reflects that in my life, as far as CLIPPERS goes, not much has changed. Still taking the tablets, still deciding in conjunction with my neurologist to keep taking the tablets, still wondering if I will always be taking the tablets.

But probably for me and everyone else reading this blog, something has changed. The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus) and COVID-19 (the illness) looks like it will affect most people in some way even if they don't catch it. I'm not going to speculate wildly about COVID-19 but one thing I know: people with compromised immune systems are more at risk and I am one of those people. Actually maybe I know more than one thing; my understanding is that people like me are not more likely to catch it, so we can take steps to reduce our exposure, and we not certain to have a more serious illness - it's all about risk. Still, I don't like playing games where the odds are biased against me and this seems like one of those situations.

I had already been mulling whether to work from home more (I'm lucky because I can) and at what point I should do this. I travel to work on several different kinds of public transport, which are often busy, in a city with rising numbers of cases, and the government estimates there may be up to 10 times more cases than they know about. My employer has been proactive though and issued a statement yesterday saying that anyone classed as vulnerable by Public Health England should work at home from now on. So that decision has been taken out of my hands and I feel relieved if somewhat daunted at the prospect of being at home for several months. 

There are lot's of unknowns still. The UK government is in a "delay" phase of managing COVID-19. Paraphrased this means: (i) "we can't stop it spreading, so we will slow the spread so as not to overwhelm the health services" (ii) "we will protect the vulnerable in the hope that enough other people build up resistance to stop it spreading further". Whether or not (ii) will be effective is the big question. All we can do is keep calm and carry on. And wash our hands relentlessly.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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Living With CLIPPERS by Bill Crum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.