
Saturday, 24 June 2023


On Cheddar Gorge in 2022

Time for a few brief updates. Thanks to those who have read the CLIPPERS book and those who left a rating on Amazon; I hope you enjoyed it or found it useful, or both.  You may have read that Amazon are raising their global printing costs in June 2023, but the CLIPPERS book will remain at it's original pricing for now.

I had a telephone review with my consultant recently and, following a brain-scan last year which reported essentially normal (or at least no change), had nothing much to update him with. It's nice to have retained the same consultant through my CLIPPERS journey, which makes catching up easier (for both of us!). We had our now traditional conversation about future treatment strategy. I've been lucky to remain stable on Azathioprine since being weaned off steroids about 9 months after diagnosis. Taking Azathioprine comes with a small hypothetical risk but trying to compare that against the risk of not taking it for CLIPPERS is very hard. My view has always been that CLIPPERS can cause serious and potentially long-lasting problems, which in my case meant a month in hospital and easily six months in recovery; but at least I did recover. The risk of relapse is real but unfortunately unpredictable. Judging by the number of CLIPPERS case reports still appearing, relapse is still common so as before,  I said I thought that relapse was a bigger gamble and my consultant was happy to support that decision.

The fact that I still can't gauge a risk of relapse made me think. I don't have an inside track to the latest knowledge about CLIPPERS, but reading some of the recent papers  makes me feel that in some ways things haven't changed very much. Here's an example from 2023:

"The diagnosis of CLIPPERS is difficult and requires extensive differential diagnosis. A specific biomarker in serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for this disorder is currently unknown. The pathogenesis of CLIPPERS remains poorly understood and its nosological* position has not yet been established. Whether CLIPPERS represents an independent, genuine new disorder or a syndrome in the course of diseases with heterogeneous aetiology and/or their precursor stages remains debatable and incompletely clarified."
(*nosological = disease classification including an understanding of mechanism)

I accept everything said in this extract, but it could have been written for virtually any CLIPPERS paper over the last ten years. I hope in another ten years a similar extract will read differently.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

Creative Commons Licence
Living With CLIPPERS by Bill Crum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.