
Saturday, 25 February 2012

Battery Pharma

I've been quite lucky regarding medication side-effects so far. I had a few days of slightly manic behaviour while on high-dose Prednisolone and then several weeks of early waking which has now largely resolved. Having been on Azathioprine since before Christmas I thought I was in the clear there too.

Unfortunately since hitting the 75mg/100mg dose I've started getting a bad taste in my mouth quite a lot of the time. Now unless you are lucky enough to get the special coated versions, anyone taking Prednisolone will know that they taste bad - kind of like paracetamol but worse. This taste is not dissimilar but has only appeared in the last two or three weeks so must be Azathiorprine-related.

I had a look on the web and it seems more common for bad tastes to be reported with Prednisolone than Azathioprine. My consultant didn't seem too concerned about it as a symptom but said that given that the drugs are doing me some good, probably best to suffer it. Fair enough and I agree with the sentiment. At risk of sounding like a whinger, although this is not the worst thing that could happen by a long way, it is a bit tiresome - imagine sucking on batteries for much of the day and you're getting close. Coffee and tea taste quite bad most of the time but fortunately most foods aren't too badly affected - so I'll just keep eating for now. Hopefully it will wear off after a while. Whinge over.

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