
Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Small Steps

Saw my consultant in clinic at NHNN today. It seemed a good sign that this was a straight-forward walk-in and walk-out appointment - not a comfy chair in sight. My own assessment of progress was "pretty-good if stalled very slightly short (in terms of balance and fluidity etc) of pre-CLIPPERS".

A walk in the park, unlike the last few months.
After a few small tests which I'm now quite used to (from the classics like "heel-to-toe walking", via the once supremely hard "touch your nose - now touch my finger", to the actually quite difficult (without moving your head) "look left, look right, look up, look down") he seemed satisfied and remarked that I looked altogether better than when we last met in November. Good stuff!

So the next step in treatment is looming - maintain the Azathioprine (at 100mg twice daily) and reduce the Prednisolone (currently 15mg / day but soon to be reduced by 1mg / week). I feel a bit nervous about this as - let's face it - stability is reassuring. But this treatment strategy works in other conditions and has been applied to some reported cases of CLIPPERS so fingers-crossed.

I also still seem to be "Billy No-Mates" in terms of similar diagnoses in London known to my consultant; be interested to hear if you know differently. You never know, maybe I'll qualify for a blue plaque one day ...

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.
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