
Monday, 1 October 2012

Still Talking About CLIPPERS

Dr Keegan gave a talk about CLIPPERS at the National Institute of Health (USA) just over a week ago. From the events calendar:

"For his lecture at NIH, he will discuss Clippers Syndrome and offers the following objectives:
-Identify and treat a chronic inflammatory CNS disease

-Review differential diagnosis of brainstem predominant inflammatory disease
-Add a challenging acronym to neurological differential diagnosis

This all sounds very interesting. We definitely want to identify and treat CLIPPERS and I'm assuming the third point is to promote CLIPPERS as a possible diagnosis which should be considered more widely. Raising awareness of CLIPPERS within the neurology community  can only be a good thing as presumably, the more cases are found, the more likely research will be done to find definitive causes and treatments.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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