
Sunday, 7 October 2012

People With CLIPPERS to October 2012

I've heard from some more people who have been diagnosed with CLIPPERS and thought you might be interested in a breakdown. (I won't be passing on further details unless told to - have a read of PeopleWithClippers if you want to go public.)

Australia: 1, Belgium 1, Canada: 1, Netherlands: 1,
Spain: 1, USA:3 (+1?), UK: 1 (me!)
= 9 (or 10?) total

So there's a few of us and possibly more who are reading quietly in the background. From what people have told me about their background and symptoms I can see no pattern at all in terms of possible causes or demographics. I would be surprised if anything was that obvious since the doctors involved in the various research papers have presumably gone through patient backgrounds with a fine-toothed comb. Still I hoped something might leap out - never mind, have to wait for the professionals to figure out what is going on.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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