
Thursday, 11 October 2012

Update: Nothing To See Here.

I left a few loose threads hanging over the summer about blood-test blips, strange aches and pains etc. So here's a quick catch up:

One of my liver enzymes (ALT) was a bit raised after a previous blood test so another was booked in. That enzyme level was OK the next time but then some other things were off - platelet level (I think) and bilrubin. So another round of tests followed a month later and now everything has settled down to the extent I can move back onto a 3-monthly testing schedule.

I started having some pains, mostly in my knees and hips after  I came off the steroids. So I agreed to go and have some knee x-rays at the district hospital to check for osteo-arthritis related damage. I felt like a complete fraud as to get there I walked for 10 minutes up an enormous hill with no problem! Anyway the x-rays were reported normal and I have an invitation to see my GP again if I want. I'm going to leave it for now as it's not a big problem and I'm a bit doctored out at the moment.

Annual flu jab is all booked in - very important. Apart from that still popping the Azathioprine (100mg twice a day). It's now 4 months since I stopped taking Prednisolone and no sign of CLIPPERS symptoms at the moment. However, I think I'll want to get a year off steroids and symptom-free under my belt before I get too excited.

Read other articles in this series at Living With CLIPPERS.

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